Moondog Kim
Kim Moondog is a photographer who creates fantas- tical illusions through intense colors, bold compo- sitions, and dramatic emotions. He goes by the name “Moondog,” a combination of the words for earth’s satellite and man’s best friend, as for him it best ex- presses his personality. After studying graphic de- sign, he began his career as a photographer by ta- king pictures of sources for his designs. Since then, he has made a name for himself through his work with various musicians’ photoshoots and albums. Further- more, he made a name for himself through his unique style after working with Neon Milk, a leading agency for LGBT culture. Today, he is active in a wide varie- ty of genres, including beauty, fashion, magazines, albums, and collaborations with artists.
강렬한 색감, 과감한 연출, 드라마틱한 정서를 통해 환상을 만들어내는 포토그래퍼. 자신의 정서를 표현하는 ‘달’과 ‘개’를 합친 ‘문독’이라는 이름으로 활동한다. 그래픽 디자인을 공부한 그는 디자인에 사용할 소스를 직접 촬영하면서 포토그래퍼 커리어를 시작했다. 이후 다양한 뮤지션의 화보와 앨범 작업으로 이름을 알렸으며, LGBT 문화를 이끌어가는 에이전시 네온밀크와 함께 진행한 작업으로 자신만의 스타일을 알렸다. 현재는 뷰티, 패션, 매거진, 앨범, 아티스트와의 컬래버레이션까지, 다양한 장르에서 활동하고 있다.
-> Interview with Moondog Kim
Born in Seoul
Lives & Works in Seoul
Lives & Works in Seoul


Recent Photos on iPhone
-> iPhone 13